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Rancid Bob's Letters to Rancid Bob

Dear Rancid Bob,

I totally hate your guts.  Please kill yourself.  You are a big ass-monkey and nobody likes you.

All the Best
Rancid Bob

Dear Rancid Bob,

I feel for you and totally understand your hatred of me.  I just want you to know that you are not alone.

Eternally yours
Rancid Bob

Dear Rancid Bob,

Don't you think that writing letters to yourself and posting them on the web for everyone to see is...a little strange.

All the Best
Rancid Bob

Dear Rancid Bob,

I never really thought about it like that before.  You're totally right about that.

Eternally yours
Rancid Bob

Dear Rancid Bob,

Your web site totally sucks

All the Best
Rancid Bob

Dear Rancid Bob,

Perhaps but at least I 'm not a total sack of crap like you... what a second!  I just cut myself down! Awwww, man.

Eternally yours
Rancid Bob
